Ghosts (New Directions Paperbook)

Ghosts (New Directions Paperbook)

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Book Info


Aira, César

Word Count

36,000 words

based on page count


144 pages

Edition Publisher

New Directions

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 0811217426

ISBN-13: 9780811217422


The most unsettling and stunning of Aira's short novels published so far by New Directions.

“On a building site of a new, luxury apartment building, visitors looked up at the strange, irregular form of the water tank that crowned the edifice, and the big parabolic dish that would supply television images to all the floors. On the edge of the dish, a sharp metallic edge on which no bird would have dared to perch, three completely naked men were sitting, with their faces turned up to the midday sun; no one saw them, of course.”—from Ghosts

Ghosts is about a construction worker's family squatting on a building site. They all see large and handsome ghosts around their quarters, but the teenage daughter is the most curious. Her questions about them become more and more heartfelt until the story reaches a critical, chilling moment when the mother realizes that her daughter's life hangs in the balance.

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