Good Dog

Good Dog

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Book Info


Gemeinhart, Dan

Word Count

76,000 words

based on page count


304 pages

Edition Publisher

Scholastic Press

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 1338053884

ISBN-13: 9781338053883


Brodie was a good dog. And good dogs go to heaven. Except Brodie can't move on. Not just yet. As wonderful as his glimpse of the afterlife is, he can't forget the boy he left behind. The boy he loved, and who loved him in return. The boy who's still in danger. So Brodie breaks the rules of heaven. He returns to Earth as a spirit. With the help of two other lost souls -- lovable pitbull Tuck and surly housecat Patsy -- he is determined to find his boy and to save him. Even if it costs him paradise. Even if he loses his eternal soul. Because it's what a good dog would do.

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