Tokyo Ghoul, Vol. 2

Tokyo Ghoul, Vol. 2

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Book Info


Ishida, Sui

Word Count

52,000 words

based on page count


208 pages

Edition Publisher

VIZ Media, LLC

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 1421580373

ISBN-13: 9781421580371


Ghouls live among us, the same as normal people in every way—except their craving for human flesh. Ghouls live among us, the same as normal people in every way—except their craving for human flesh. Ken Kaneki is an ordinary college student until a violent encounter turns him into the first half-human half-ghoul hybrid. Trapped between two worlds, he must survive Ghoul turf wars, learn more about Ghoul society and master his new powers. Unable to discard his humanity but equally unable to suppress his Ghoul hunger, Ken finds salvation in the kindness of friendly Ghouls who teach him how to pass as human and eat flesh humanely. But recent upheavals in Ghoul society attract the police like wolves to prey, and they don’t discriminate between conscientious and ravenous Ghouls.

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