Kriya Secrets Revealed: Complete Lessons and Techniques

Kriya Secrets Revealed: Complete Lessons and Techniques

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Book Info


Stevens, J C

Word Count

105,500 words

based on page count


422 pages

Edition Publisher

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 1479109517

ISBN-13: 9781479109517


This is not your ordinary Kriya book! It includes all the techniques from several different main-line Kriya schools, the full 7 steps of Lahiri's Kriya, the 1930's version of Swami Yogananda's Kriya and other lineages. Every piece of material that could possibly assist in helping you maximize results from your Kriya practice is in this workbook. This material has been carefully crafted to protect anonymous sources and to respect all copyrights. It is, essentially, a synthesis of every possible concept or technique, which will help you understand Kriya yoga as never before. All the material used here has been meticulously arranged into lessons with step-by-step instructions, including quotes from Lahiri Mahasaya, which have been freshly translated into an easy-to-understand style. New graphics have also been devised to better help explain the techniques. In addition to exacting instruction in various Kriya techniques, the book also discusses the theory and philosophy of Shyama Charan Lahiri, in order to help you get to the core of the Kriya yoga philosophy. From beginning to end, it was written in order to help you break free from anything hindering your Kriya practice. If you are already a member of an existing Kriya organization, the information in this book may surprise you or even challenge your beliefs. Please understand that I am simply relaying the complete path of Kriya, techniques and philosophy exactly as I believe that the originator, Lahiri Mahasaya, understood it. To this end, I researched every possible source and compiled it, saving you the time of endlessly seeking and deciphering instructions from different Kriya schools, which are spread across all corners of the Earth. Some people may ask, "How does this book differ from that information presented on various websites?" It isn't the fact that some of this information could not be found in other places. That could be said of any book. However, this book saves you the time of finding, collecting and deciphering this information for yourself. It is a self-contained workbook. Everything you need to achieve the highest goals of Kriya is in this book. Here is what some people are saying: "Just received my book yesterday, and so far I am really enjoying it. I had a hard time putting it down last night and ended up staying up a lot later than I should have. I have a feeling It's going to be another late night tonight." - M.B. "I took delivery of your book yesterday and would like to thank you for collating this information from various sources. ... In summary, thank you for your book. I am impressed by both the content and the presentation." - Doctor M.

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