Dinosaur Jokes

Dinosaur Jokes

The average reader will spend 28 minutes reading this book at 250 WPM (words per minute).

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Book Info


Uncle Amon

Word Count

7,000 words

based on page count


28 pages

Edition Publisher

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 1536829935

ISBN-13: 9781536829938


Funny and Hilarious Dinosaur Jokes for Kids! Joke telling is very fun and can bring a smile to the face of others. Kids love jokes! Jokes can aid in story-telling, create laughs, and help with conversation and social skills. Your child will love this hilarious joke book full of clean jokes about dinosaurs! * BONUS INCLUDED * Reptile and Amphibian Jokes! Funny and hilarious dinosaur jokes Excellent for early and beginning readers Hours of fun and entertainment for your child Great for long trips, waiting rooms, and reading aloud Kids and children can practice their reading and joke telling skills with this funny dinosaur joke book. Beginning and early readers can enjoy hours of fun and entertainment. This book is especially great for traveling, waiting rooms, and reading aloud at home. Q: What would you get if you crossed a dinosaur with a pig? A: Jurassic pork! HAHA! Q: What do you call a dinosaur that keeps you awake at night? A: Bronto-snore-us! LOL! Q: Why did the Apatosaurus devour the factory? A: Because she was a plant eater! HAHA! Q: What was the most flexible dinosaur? A: Tyrannosaurus Flex. LOL! Q: Why did the dinosaurs eat raw meat? A: They did not know how to cook! HAHA! Q: How does a snake weigh itself? A: With its scales! This funny joke book is full of dinosaur jokes (BONUS - reptile and amphibian jokes) that will have you laughing for hours! This is one of the best joke collections in the world. These jokes dinosaurs, reptiles, and amphibians will have you laughing for hours. These funny jokes are excellent for kids, children, teens, and adults. Early and beginner readers can practice reading aloud and learning. Scroll up and click 'buy' to get this colossal collection!

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