Hindi Varnamala

Hindi Varnamala

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Book Info


Sachin Sachdeva

Word Count

19,000 words

based on page count


76 pages

Edition Publisher

Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 1545246602

ISBN-13: 9781545246603


Hindi Varnamala - A language which is spoken worldwide. This book will help young kids/adults learn to write 36 Hindi consonants in engaging, intuitive, and fun way. Appropriate for all ages from small children, to teens, to college going and adult students. The book provides a step-by-step guided direction for writing each hindi letter and an extra page for each letter to practice writing them. Some highlights of the book are: * Covers 36 consonants of Hindi script. * Object name starts from each alphabet. * Teaches step-by-step to write each alphabet. * Plenty of extra pages to trace and practice each alphabet. This book is perfect choice for learning and writing Hindi alphabets. Enjoy more books from the How to Draw for Kids series by Sachin Sachdeva: Cats & Kittens, Horses & Ponies, Forest Animals, Farm Animals, and Cartoon Characters.

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