Diamonds Are Forever (James Bond (Original Series))

Diamonds Are Forever (James Bond (Original Series))

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Book Info


Fleming, Ian

Word Count

61,250 words

based on page count


245 pages

Edition Publisher

Thomas & Mercer

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 1612185460

ISBN-13: 9781612185460


An international diamond-smuggling pipeline has opened up and the British Treasury wants to know who’s controlling it. Impersonating a captured courier named Peter Franks, Bond infiltrates the criminal ring and finds an unlikely ally in Tiffany Case, a gorgeous American with a dark past. As the ring’s stateside go-between, she may be just another link in the chain, but Tiffany is also Bond’s best shot at finding the elusive figure at the head of the operation—a syndicate boss known only by the initials “ABC.” But if Bond’s cover gets blown, he’ll find that the only thing harder than a diamond is surviving the payback of a pair of murderous henchmen.

With a sparkling trail of smuggled gems as bait, Diamonds Are Forever leads Bond on a globe-hopping mission where deadly assassins lurk behind every corner.

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