Siberian Husky Training: The Beginner’s Guide to Training Your Siberian Husky Puppy: Includes Potty Training, Sit, Stay, Fetch, Drop, Leash Training and Socialization Training

Siberian Husky Training: The Beginner’s Guide to Training Your Siberian Husky Puppy: Includes Potty Training, Sit, Stay, Fetch, Drop, Leash Training and Socialization Training

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Book Info


Boykin, Brittany

Word Count

13,500 words

based on page count


54 pages

Edition Publisher

CAC Publishing

Edition Publish Date



ISBN-10: 1948489317

ISBN-13: 9781948489317


Are you tired of your puppy leaving "messes" all over the house? What about the biting and chewing? Does your dog drag you down the street when you try and take him/her for a walk? Do you want to teach your new puppy how to sit, stay, or play fetch? This book can help you with it all Everything you need to know about Siberian Husky training and basic obedience. This book is guaranteed to answer any beginner's questions about training your Siberian Husky and is a must have for anyone thinking of getting a Siberian Husky puppy. Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... Is a Siberian Husky Right For You? How Much Is Enough Exercise? How To Speak Your Dog's Language Effective Discipline How to Potty Train Your Siberian Husky Basic Obedience Training Such As: Sit, Drop, Come, Fetch, Stay, and Wait Leash Training Your Siberian Husky Puppy Socialization Training How to Stop the Biting and Chewing and Advanced Training Techniques This is a must have guide for all Siberian Husky puppy owners and individuals who are thinking of getting a Siberian Husky puppy. Get your copy today and get one step closer to that perfect dog you've always dreamed about

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